Thursday, June 18, 2020

Download Free Blonde Audio Books

Specify Regarding Books Blonde

Author:Joyce Carol Oates
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 1110 pages
Published:April 30th 2002 by Le Livre de Poche (first published 2000)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction
Download Free Blonde  Audio Books
Blonde Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 1110 pages
Rating: 3.99 | 9132 Users | 883 Reviews

Explanation In Pursuance Of Books Blonde

« Alors, en début de soirée, ce 3 août 1962, vint la Mort, index sur la sonnette du 12305 Fifth Helena Drive. La Mort qui essuyait la sueur de son front avec sa casquette de base-ball. La Mort qui mastiquait vite, impatiente, un chewing-gum. Pas un bruit à l'intérieur. La Mort ne peut pas le laisser sur le pas de la porte, ce foutu paquet, il lui faut une signature. Elle n'entend que les vibrations ronronnantes de l'air conditionné. Ou bien... est-ce qu'elle entend une radio là ? La maison est de type espagnol, c'est une « hacienda » de plain-pied ; murs en fausses briques, toiture en tuiles orange luisantes, fenêtres aux stores tirés. On la croirait presque recouverte d'une poussière grise. Compacte et miniature comme une maison de poupée, rien de grandiose pour Brentwood. La Mort sonna à deux reprises, appuya fort la seconde. Cette fois, on ouvrit la porte.De la main de la Mort, j'acceptais ce cadeau. Je savais ce que c'était, je crois. Et de la part de qui c'était. En voyant le nom et l'adresse, j'ai ri et j'ai signé sans hésiter. »

Itemize Books During Blonde

Original Title: Blonde
ISBN: 2253152854 (ISBN13: 9782253152859)
Edition Language: French
Characters: Marilyn Monroe
Literary Awards: Pulitzer Prize Nominee for Fiction (2001), National Book Award Finalist for Fiction (2000)

Rating Regarding Books Blonde
Ratings: 3.99 From 9132 Users | 883 Reviews

Assessment Regarding Books Blonde
This book was marvellous in many ways! It's a fictional piece of work following the life of Norma Jeane Baker, aka. Marilyn Monroe, from she's a child till her death as a 36-year-old woman devoured and intoxicated with drugs, medication and alcohol. It's a tragic life story, but it's hugely inspiring as well, and if you have even the faintest interest in Marilyn Monroe's life I would highly recommend this book. To me, one of the most interesting aspects of "Blonde" was how it balances fiction

YOU MUST READ THIS! Have to have to! It has to be one of the BEST novels of all time. (& y'all know that this is the sole topic I will NEVER joke about.)Seeing the elusive, the ephemeral, through different filters-- a jaguar prowling through the jungle, a baby left all alone, as if you had the privilege to do so in the first place. "Blonde" is a privilege to read-- the rarest of rare novel/poetry book combos. Why read itty bitty poetry in its refracted, basically restricted state? Read

This is my first Joyce Carol Oats' book, and I was totally blown away by Oats' brilliance at creating scenes--one you can smell, feel and taste. For example, Gladys' smell in the Lakewood rest home; or Marilyn's smell after sex with a president. They all seemed pitch perfect. What also allowed such full descriptions and insight was the author's statement in the preface that none of the book is true. So, while the author didn't know if MM might have an oily filmy sweat problem as a result of

Blonde provides a masterful, disturbing and perceptive characterization of Marilyn Monroe that coincides with all of the other information I have read about her but provides additional interpretation into her psyche through the guise of fiction. The book itself is impossible to describe as it takes on a stylistic form that is very specific and complex. This is not just someone randomly writing a fictional biography of Monroe. This is Joyce Carol Oates, one of the most prolific and important

This book was very difficult to read. Not because of the writing, which is phenomenal, but because we already know the sad ending. Joyce Carol Oates takes us on a literary journey from babyhood through to the end with a flawless, relentless depiction of the mind within the body that embarked on this particular journey. It is beyond sad to bear witness to the reactions and defenses of a mind molded by fear, uncertainty, unpredictability and unreliability that resulted in a young woman who became

Oates's novel brings Marilyn back to life for a mind-numbing 700+ pages, a Lazarus style resurrection so tedious that never have I been so ready for the main character in a novel to just pack it in and die already. Oates is a talented writer. Fantastic, even. And yet...this book is flawed. Deeply flawed. For one, it is entirely too long. It's filled with sentences, paragraphs, and even whole chapters that add nothing to the book. They seem to exist solely for the purpose of Oates showing off her

It's been many years since I read this one but it really struck me as getting to the heart of Marilyn Monroe better than nonfiction. Or rather Norma Jean, as Marilyn is not the star of this novel. The novel reads like a sweeping biography. Of course, her life and death as well as her goddess-like fame is covered, but it's Norma Jean the reader gets to know. She's the only person worth knowing because Marilyn is a mirage. A mirage that still holds our interest almost sixty years after her death.

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